The research
Research design
Emerging patterns
This website gives insight into the career paths of PhD holders who obtained their PhD in Flanders. The next generation of researchers and PhD students can get an idea of what awaits them and senior researcher in turn know which other possibilities are out there. Curious PhD holders can compare their career path with that of other PhD holders who obtained a PhD in a similar area and in the same year. And you as a curious visitor of this website can take a closer look at the career paths of PhD holders!
Where do people with a PhD degree from the five Flemish universities end up? ECOOM, the Centre for Research & Development Monitoring, wanted to find out.
On this website, you will find information on 2982 PhD holders’ first job, their current or last job, whether they perceive the PhD to be an added value and so much more. You will have the opportunity to make comparisons between different science clusters, clusters of sciences, science domains career paths and gender.